False Burden Bearing


Galatians 6:5

for each one should carry their own load.

Matthew 11:28-29

Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.


Today I choose to fast from the wound of false burden bearing.

Parents often worry over whether their child is ready for something - ready to go to school, ready for that big test or competition, ready to go off to college on their own. Parents will hover and fuss to ensure their kids are ready, sometimes putting more effort into the preparations than the child themselves. This is an example of false burden bearing. While it might seem like diligence or compassion, it can actually be a kind of confusion: I can’t tell the difference between what’s mine to do and what’s yours to do.

False burden bearing can be even more harmful in situations where we take the blame for things beyond our control - such as tragedies in our lives or the lives of those we love. Carrying these burdens keeps us exhausted and unmotivated to do what is really necessary and helpful in our own lives. The sad irony is that these false burdens can keep us feeling unworthy or unable to come to Christ, the only one who is able to help us discern what is really ours to carry and who provides freedom and relief from everything else.

Questions for Personal Reflection:

What burdens am I carrying that don’t really belong to me?

What burdens might Jesus be calling me to leave behind so that I am free to follow him?


Talk to God about the burdens you are carrying. Confess those burdens that are not yours to carry and ask God to help you let them go. Read the words of Matthew 11:28-29 as a prayer, asking Christ to help you find the rest that he has for you.



