Volunteer Opportunities
Click each ministry to find out more!
The Care Fund provides financial assistance to individuals or families in financial or material need within our church family as well as from our broader community. In order to bring the hope of Jesus to the world around us, we fulfil our biblical mandate to love and care for people through sharing our financial resources.
Volunteer Role: 3 ways you can participate:
1. Committee member: 2-3 meetings per year to review the policy, administration and any arising issues
2. Participate in reviewing requests for assistance: Short committee discussions as needs arise
3. Donating resources to the Care Fund: Anytime, as you are led.
Commitment various- as per the roles above.
To get involved, click "sign up" or email info@trinitystreetsville.org!

The Trinity cemetery is a beautiful piece of living history within the grounds of the church that invites reflection and prayer from congregation members and the community.
Volunteer Role: The committee is open to new members, and would love to expand their group with people looking to celebrate Trinity's history, honour the heroes of the past, and provide a beautiful and peaceful space for the parish and community.
Members of the cemetery committee help maintain the grounds and gardens, assist with historical research, plan events, and more.
Time commitment varies throughout the year.
To get involved, click "sign up" or email info@trinitystreetsville.org!

Each week, we celebrate the death and resurrection of Jesus together through communion.
Volunteer Role: The Chancel Guild work behind the scenes by setting up the vessels for holy Communion, ensuring that the wine, water, and bread are ready for the Minister to serve; placing and lighting candles on the table/altar; ordering supplies; laundering the linen; caring for Communion vessels and altar frontals.
The Chancel Guild volunteers love the church, value tradition, and would love to expand their team by inviting new faces to this important ministry.
Commitment: typically once per month.
To get involved, click "sign up" or email info@trinitystreetsville.org!

Ministry Description: A monthly meal offered to anyone in the community who is facing food insecurity or looking to be a part of a friendly community, centred around good food. All are welcome!
Volunteer Role: Each month we are looking for volunteers to help with set-up, help cook, help serve, and play music. Trinity members are welcome to join us for the dinner as well but we are also looking for a few Trinity members to volunteer by coming to eat and socialize with our guests. Time Commitment: Time commitments vary depending on the role. People interested will be able to sign up on a monthly basis through Church Center.
To get involved, click "sign up" or email info@trinitystreetsville.org!

The Streetsville COPING program (a branch of The COPING Centre, Cambridge) is an eight-week support group hosted at Trinity for adults mourning the death of a loved one. The bereavement group holds in-person sessions, generally once a year, in the fall.
Volunteer Role: The COPING program, led by trained volunteers, provides a forum where individuals can share experiences and talk about their feelings in the grief journey, in a warm, loving environment. Commitment: Approximately 2-3 hours each of the eight weeks during an active group program. Extensive Training Provided.
To get involved, click "sign up" or email coping@trinitystreetsville.org!

The counters at Trinity are detail-oriented people who carefully count and record our weekly collection of monetary donations.
Volunteer Roles: On Sundays, two volunteers meet after the second service to count and record the offering as well as prepare the deposit. Commitment: After the service for an hour, once a month. Those with weekday availability take turns going to the bank on Monday mornings with the deposit. Training Provided. Basic arithmetic skills useful. Police checks required.
To get involved, click "sign up" or email info@trinitystreetsville.org!

The English as a Second Language (ESL) group at Trinity creates a safe, welcoming, and comfortable setting for people in the community who want to learn and improve their English language skills.
Volunteer Role: ESL volunteers provide caring and encouraging support for people in developing and improving their language skills. Provide individual and group tutoring support to participants through conversational English. Assist in preparing materials. Help prepare refreshments for break time.
Commitment: Weekly on Tuesdays from 10:00am - 12:00pm. Training Provided.
To get involved, click "sign up" or email info@trinitystreetsville.org!

Provides in-person spiritual care to those in our church community that are unable to attend in-person worship.
Volunteer Roles: Volunteers visit in pairs, providing active listening, supportive silence, home communion, and simple prayers. Training provided.
Commitment: Approximately 2-4 hours once a month.
To get involved, click "sign up" or email care@trinitystreetsville.org!

Helping to create a welcoming environment for relationship building.
Volunteer Role: Preparing, serving and/or cleaning up coffee and refreshments on a Sunday morning. Training provided.
Commitment: one hour before service starts, in between services or one hour after the last service, once a month.
To get involved, click "sign up" or email info@trinitystreetsville.org!

Want to take your faith journey to the next level? Trinity LIFE groups provide an opportunity to gather in small communities where we're learning how to love Jesus, live like Jesus and lead others to Jesus. We do this by sharing life together through friendship, prayer, Bible study and service. LIFE groups meet every week or so in homes, at the church, in coffee shops, or online.
If you are interested in joining, hosting, or facilitating a group, please complete the form by clicking "Join a Group" or at www.trinitystreetsville.org/life-groups

Are you looking for a way to care for others? Consider signing up for our Meal Train volunteer list! When individuals or families in our congregation are facing short-term illnesses/injuries, grief, the arrival of a new child, etc. this ministry cares for them by preparing and dropping off meals.
Volunteer Role: On an as-needed, on-call basis, volunteers receive emails with details about the family in need. You then sign up for a delivery slot and make or buy a meal and deliver it.
Commitment: This is an unpredictable ministry as it depends on needs. The maximum we experienced last year would involve providing one meal every two months.
To get involved, click "sign up" or email info@trinitystreetsville.org!

Ministry Description: To be more intentional in ministering to men of the church by creating opportunities for men to be included and grow in their faith and serve others both in the church and in the community. Our goals for the men's ministry at Trinity are Inclusion, Engagement, and Service.
Volunteer Role: We are looking for some men to be involved in the planning of events such as Beer n Banter, the Men's Breakfast, the annual Men's Retreat, and new programs like Dads & Kids and others to participate in those planned events.
Time Commitment: The time commitment for the planning team is a few hours every quarter to attend a planning meeting and attend events. For participants, their time commitment is flexible based on the number of events they attend. All the men of Trinity are welcomed and encouraged to get involved with the Men's Ministry.
To get involved, click "sign up" or email info@trinitystreetsville.org!

Helping in the Trinity office during the week regularly or occasionally.
Volunteer Role: Take calls, welcome visitors, sort mail, scan documents, organize supplies and help with periodic mailouts. Comfort with software is an asset but not necessary. Training provided.
Commitment: weekly 2-4hrs or occasional for special projects.
To get involved, click "sign up" or email mary@trinitystreetsville.org!

Want to help support our online community? This team is growing as we look to engage and include our online family.
Volunteer Roles: · engage in Sunday morning online chats,
· Pre-record readings or prayers for Sunday Morning services,
· help facilitate online courses,
· speak on camera.
Commitment: Varies depending on the need.
To get involved, click "sign up" or email kylah@trinitystreetsville.org!

"In everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God."
If you have a heart for prayer, consider joining one of our prayer ministries:
· Prayer Chain receives email prayer requests and members pray at home for those needs. Contact Sue Flack or Susan Carr
· Prayer & Worship Nights - attend monthly gatherings to pray together. Contact Rik Bradshaw
· Sunday Prayer Flag Team pray in pairs for those who come forward during communion. Contact Mary Tavares
Commitment: Varies depending on ministry.
To get involved, click "sign up" or email info@trinitystreetsville.org!

Prime Time is a ministry for seniors who are interested in getting together for the simple pleasure of being together with friends in a Christian atmosphere. We meet Thursday afternoon at 1:30-3:30pm in September, December, February, April, and June. A typical gathering might include a guest speaker, some music and singing, table games and conversation, and a short devotional talk to help us live out the faith. Light refreshments are also served at every gathering.
Volunteers meet 5 times throughout the year via zoom to plan the Prime Time gatherings and help leading the events. People with creative ideas that would be interesting to seniors, or those with skills in public speaking, leading songs, telling jokes, or computer technology would be a great fit for Prime Time volunteers. This group is also always looking for a refreshment team: those who are able to set up refreshments, make tea and coffee, and help clean up.
To get involved, click "sign up" or email primetime@trinitystreetsville.org!

During each Sunday service, church members are involved in leading the prayers of the people and reading the Bible passage.
Volunteer Role: If you are comfortable in front of a crowd and would like to be part of the team that reads and prays on Sundays, please speak to Libby. We want to include a variety of people that represent our diverse congregation. Young people are very welcome.
Commitment: Some Thursday rehearsals as well as coming early for church to participate in sound check.
To get involved, click "sign up" or email libby@trinitystreetsville.org!

Stephen Ministers are Trinity members who are extensively trained as volunteers to provide high-quality, one-to-one Christian care during difficult times. Whether it's for a short or long term, those served by this ministry are assured of complete confidentiality. Stephen Ministry training is offered occasionally.
Do you know someone going through a difficult time? Do you have a friend, neighbour, co-worker, or relative who has been struggling with the loss of a loved one, loneliness, cancer, a layoff, divorce, a spiritual crisis, recuperation, or other life challenges? Our Stephen Ministers can provide them with the focused listening, prayer, and support they need to make it through the crisis.
To get involved, click "sign up" or email stephenministry@trinitystreetsville.org!

Ministry Description:
Supporting the Sunday services with sound, video, and media.
Volunteer Roles:
Camera operators, video switcher, sound board operator, live stream sound operator (Protools), and Media operator. Training provided, all ages welcome!
Before and during Sunday Services. Thursday rehearsal attendance depends on the role and experience level (sound board operator is required, camera operator training will be held on certain Thursday nights).
To get involved, click "sign up" or email alex@trinitystreetsville.org!

Ministry Description:
Supporting the Media Director in photography, editing, and graphic design.
Volunteer Roles:
Include helping the media director with any photo shoots, and editing photos or videos. People of all ages welcome, great role for young people. Some skill level required.
Varies depending on the project. Can be before and during Sunday services; or done on your own time.
To get involved, click "sign up" or email alex@trinitystreetsville.org!

Our Kids Ministry takes place on Sunday mornings. Our mission is to create a fun, loving and safe environment where kids can learn about God and his love for them.
Volunteer Role:
Crawlers & Walkers - Caring for infants and toddlers through play and stories; feeding if needed.
Kindergarten to Grade 5 - Teaching in one of the classrooms using provided materials and curriculum for school age children.
Typically 1 Sunday per month from 30 minutes prior to the service until 30 minutes after the service.
To get involved, click "sign up" or email megan@trinitystreetsville.org!

"Therefore welcome one another as Christ has welcomed you, for the glory of God!" Romans 15:7
A team that extends the radical welcome of Christ to all who enter our doors on a Sunday morning.
Volunteer Roles include:
Greeters (front & side door), check-in assistants, Sanctuary ushers, Welcome Desk hosts, and parking attendants. Training provided.
Varies depending on the position. Please arrive 20-30 mins prior to the services.
To get involved, click "sign up" or email sally@trinitystreetsville.org!

The goal of Women's Ministry at Trinity is to plan and facilitate events, and other growth opportunities that are open and beneficial for women of all ages and stages of life. We seek to be a supportive, caring ministry that keeps Jesus at our centre, as we learn to "Love Jesus, Live Like Jesus, and Lead Others to Jesus".
We are looking for women who feel led to share their skills, gifts, creativity, passions and ideas as part of a team of women working together to enrich the spiritual lives of the women of Trinity Streetsville and beyond.
Quarterly Team Meetings, along with event planning meetings.
To get involved, click "sign up" or email klbigauskas@gmail.com!

A team of musicians and vocalists who help lead the worship on Sunday mornings.
Volunteer Role:
If you are an experienced musician with a heart for Jesus, please speak to Libby about how you might get involved.
Rehearsals on Thursday evenings and Sundays before the service(s).
To get involved, click "sign up" or email libby@trinitystreetsville.org!

Ministry Description:
Periodic social gatherings for adults aged 18 to 35ish to provide community as they grow through their emerging adult years.
Volunteer Role:
Opportunities to help organize events.
Low time commitment. Varies depending on event.
To get involved, click "sign up" or email jordan@trinitystreetsville.org!

Aims to root youth firm in their faith in order to carry them through life and far beyond their teenage years.
Volunteer Role:
· Have a passion for supporting youth in their faith journey as they learn about God's love for them.
· Meeting with the youth on Sunday mornings after the sermon to discuss the message.
· Meeting with the youth on Friday evenings for games, activities, snacks, teachings, and fun; possible field trips.
· Participating in occasional youth activities during the summer.
· 1 hour on Sunday mornings during the services, following the sermon; Sept to June.
· 2-4 hours on Friday evenings at the church from September to June.
To get involved, click "sign up" or email youth@trinitystreetsville.org!