Who We Are
At Trinity Streetsville, we are a community of ordinary people learning to follow Jesus in our day. Rooted in faith, shaped by love, and driven by mission, we seek to live out the way of Jesus together.
Our Mission
We are called to Hospitality, Discipleship, Leadership, and Mission:
• Hospitality – Following Jesus’ example, we welcome and embrace all, creating space for strangers to become family.
• Discipleship – We are lifelong learners, growing in faith and practicing the way of Jesus.
• Leadership – We equip and empower servant leaders to influence their families, workplaces, and communities.
• Mission – We join God in His work, bringing hope, justice, and transformation locally and globally.
Our Vision
We envision a church where people Love Jesus, Learn from Jesus, Live like Jesus, and Lead others to Jesus. By practicing this way together, we believe lives, communities, and cities can be transformed.
Our Values
We are committed to prayer, community, humility, generosity, and servant leadership. These values shape how we worship, serve, and engage with our world.
We have a Sunday morning service at 9:15am and 11:15am. These services can also be live-streamed from home or wherever you happen to be.
Frequently Asked Questions
Our services start at 9:15am and 11:15am and typically run for 1 hour and 15 minutes. The services include contemporary music, Scripture reading, teaching time, prayers, and communion. You are welcome to participate in all aspects of the service to your comfort level. Kids are invited to join everyone for the first part of the service and are dismissed to their own kid’s church program after the opening music.
After the service, visit our welcome desk to receive a gift & join us for coffee to meet some folks.
If you would like to get a sense of what a typical service looks like at Trinity, feel free to view past services online or join us online live on a Sunday morning.
Yes! We livestream our services every Sunday. You can watch live on Youtube or Facebook or you can watch past services on our Youtube channel. Feel free to introduce yourself in the Youtube chat, we’d love to connect! To learn more about how to watch live online click here.
If you have more questions about online options, please reach out to Kylah by clicking here.
Yes! Our friendly & trained volunteers provide fun programs for babies, toddlers & kids. Our junior youth also have a discussion after the teaching segment. You can learn more about our kids’ programs by clicking here.
Yes. We have an elevator which allows those with mobility challenges to access each level of the building. Accessible washrooms are also available on the top and bottom floors. Accessible parking spaces are located beside the accessible entrance (on Ontario Street).
We have a parking lot available at the corner of Queen Street South and Ontario Street. Accessible parking is located right next to the building on Ontario Street. We even have parking dedicated for our first-time guests. Check out the parking lot photo on our contact us page.
Yes. Trinity is located on a MiWay (Mississauga Transit Service) bus route. You can use the MiWay “Plan a Trip” tool to find the best route for you. Simply set “69 Queen Street South, Mississauga” as your destination.
During the week, we have small groups called LIFE Groups. These are groups of 10-12 people meet in local homes, cafes or at the church to share life together through friendship, prayer, Bible study & service. LIFE groups are at the heart of our church and a vital way we help people grow in the faith.
We have a variety of other programs, groups, and ministries to meet the needs of our church community – no matter where you are in your life or spiritual journey.
Absolutely! We would love to connect with you and answer any questions you may have prior to your visit. Please reach out to Sally, our Welcome & Connections Director by clicking here.
As an Anglican church, we:
embrace the Holy Scriptures as a primary source of authority
accept the Apostles’ and Nicene creeds as a sufficient statement of the Christian faith
practise the two sacraments ordained by Christ: baptism and the Eucharist
continue the tradition of the Historic Episcopate (having bishops whose ministry has been handed down from the first Apostles)
We affirm three historic creeds: the Apostles’ Creed, the Nicene Creed, and the Athanasian Creed.
Trinity is an Anglican church under the Diocese of Toronto. The Anglican expression of Christian faith has been shaped over many centuries and is rooted in a rich heritage that reaches back to the early Church.
The whole Anglican family worldwide is known as the Anglican Communion. It has more than 80 million members in 165 countries. The parishes, dioceses and provinces of the Anglican Communion support each other in prayer and by sharing resources. Each national or regional church within the Communion is autonomous. The Archbishop of Canterbury is its spiritual head and the chief sign of its unity.
If you want to learn more about what it means to be Anglican click here.
Whatever makes you comfortable. At Trinity, there’s no dress code. You may see some people in suits and dresses and others in jeans and shorts, but we want everyone to dress comfortably and come as you are.
Trinity recognizes marriage as an important life event that joins two people in a lifelong union of faithful love and we are happy to be part of your special day. Trinity also performs funerals as per request for those individuals who have passed away.
To make inquiries about weddings or funerals at Trinity, please email us at info@trinitystreetsville.org
Trinity recognizes Baptism as the initiation into the Church; in other words, it recognizes an individual as entering into a life of following Jesus and as a member of the Body of Christ. Anyone from infancy to adulthood is welcome to be baptized. During the baptism, individuals are washed with water in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Trinity recognizes Confirmation as a point in time where an individual affirms their faith which began at the time of baptism. Confirmation is the beginning of an intentional and life-long commitment to live as a disciple of Jesus. This is a time of prayer and a time to receive the power and gifts of the Holy Spirit as the individual begins a new chapter of their spiritual journey with Christ.
If you are interested in baptism and/or confirmation for yourself or someone else, please contact the office at info@trinitystreetsville.org
Have more questions? Email us at info@trinitystreetsville.org