

Psalm 139:13-14

For you created my inmost being;
    you knit me together in my mother’s womb.
I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
    your works are wonderful,
    I know that full well.

Jeremiah 29:11

 For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.


Today I choose to fast from the wound of unworthiness.

We’ve all felt unworthy at times. And sometimes feeling unworthy is a helpful balance to arrogance or pride. At other times, though, feeling unworthy comes from a nagging sense of shame. This kind of unworthiness sounds like “I could never do that”, “I am not good enough” or “I’ll just mess that up”.

When we allow this negative unworthiness to take root in our lives it leads to self-sabotage. We shrink back from challenges and risks, we become complacent and we believe that God will never produce good fruit in our lives. This opens up space for judgement and envy of others when we recognize God’s goodness in their lives, but fail to see it in our own lives. We must challenge this negative cycle by reminding ourselves of our inherent worthiness and looking for evidence of God’s grace and goodness in our lives.

Questions for Personal Reflection:

What situations or experiences are most likely to make me feel unworthy?

What evidence do I see of God’s grace and goodness in my life?


Thank God for the good things in your life. Talk to God about the situations or experiences that make you feel unworthy. Ask God to help you to remember the truth of your identity and God’s work in your life in those situations where you are tempted to feel unworthy.



